Saturday, July 3, 2010

And now I'm on Twitter

Followers of Coe13Things will be surprised and gladdened to know that I have made it this far--almost halfway!--and am now on Twitter. My Twitter name is "Bruce Nesmith."

I am following: The Economist, Andrew Kohut, Paul Krugman, Howard Kurtz, and Jane Nesmith.

I am intrigued by the amount and variety of information available through Twitter. But I am getting a lot of information already. I get e-mail by the ton, and check Facebook (which has status updates which are very like tweets) more than I ought to... I'm not sure I could additionally handle all the tweets (so I am having them sent to my new Yahoo mail account).

1 comment:

  1. I found you as bnesmith (and am following you) on Twitter.

    The amount of information coming to us at any given time is frequently overwhelming (to me!). One of the reasons I like Twitter is because I can make a quick call on whether or not I want to follow more than the 140 characters presented in the story. Overtime, I've "unfollowed" many of the people/organizations I originally followed, and have parred down to things I find amusing/essential or relevant to my daily life.
